

Latest news about the channel....

Well, what can I say? There is alot of technical stuff going on, like finding a good bot... We have had several now and finally I have found the right one, it is small, reliable and easily configurable. The name? _K9_.

We moved from the Undernet... Reasons? Easy... The uncountable netsplits they have, unreliable servers and way too many wannabe hackers there... I think the Undernet is more ment for people who love to go with the masses and enjoy to be chatting under some nasty rules. The way of behaving of alot of people that we encountered on the Undernet was of the level "Little kid". Furthermoe are the channelservices way too hard to establish a good, solid channel with good chatting and good control by X or W (cservice's bots on the Undernet).

We are waiting for two more people to get their nicks registred at Galaxynet's nickservice and then we can register the channel and retrieve Q, a channel service bot. This Q will uphold the channel and regulates all traffic there, so everybody can have an enjoyable time.

Coming soon: channel statistics on this site. At the moment we are figuring out how to do this really good and quick, but it will be done within a month.